Friday, January 25, 2008


I AM 60 YEARS OLD........I AM STARTING A BLOG........WHY? BECAUSE I CAN (I mean I literally figured out how to do it!) The main reason.......I have 60 years of experience.....the older women are to teach the younger women. If the younger women of today are anything like younger women of my time, they need to be taught. The very passion of my heart is to see multi-generations of families living quiet-peaceful lives, working with their own hands, loving the Lord Jesus Christ with all their hearts, soul and strength, training their own children to go and do likewise. But first and foremost,my purpose is to chronicle my life for my own children, grandchildren and generations to come.
So, I'll be back and start from the beginning. You have to know history so you won't repeat it!! And, prayerfully, the reader will see that I have come a long way, baby and have a long way to go. Want to journey with me? I've heard the soda and donuts are yummy! See to find out about the treats and meet 4 of my precious grandchildren, and meet my other wonderful sweeties, the and meet my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.

I'll begin the journey as a young woman, a teenager in the turbulent 60's, the era of civil rights, feminism and the sexual revolution. You'll see how one girl made her way through it all with some of her dignity intact.
I'll even try to include some pictures if I can figure out how to do it!!!!

LET THE ADVENTURES OF SUPER MAW MAW BEGIN...........and by the way, I didn't crown myself Super Maw Maw.......My 6 year old grandson, Travis actually wrote a book titled "The Adventures of Super Maw Maw" for my birthday along with a purple cape to prove it!!


Jenny-Lynn said...

Yay! Way to go Super Maw Maw! I am so excited to read about all your adventures!

TBG said...

Super Mom, too!

mamakyker said...

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?! I mean, not that you're old. Or a dog for that matter, but you know what I mean. Only a Super MawMaw would be able to navigate her way through blogland all on her own. Amazing! I can't wait to follow along. And I LOVE the profile picture!!

Chrissy said...

Super Cousin too...always have been! Super Matron of Honor...1974
Look forward to your writings...

Love you lots,
Cleveland, OHIO

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

I miss you Cheryl!